First problem>>>I've uploaded the 2 small jpeg's to my personal site 3 times, and they still don't show. ?????
Second problem>>>I've tried to find info about what can be loaded on your personal site and what can't....i.e does it have to be available in the Wallpaper gallery to post it there...are there limits to daily uploads...that kind of info.
Third problem>>>>I'm no MIT grad, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to upload walls and logons I've done to my personal site. I've tried 3 different FTP clients...and Front Page thru My Network Places. The closest I got was with Front Page 2002, and it says that the server doesn't recognize the extensions. I'm obviously not doing something right...and I didn't apply to MIT anyway!!!
Fourth problem)>>>When I'm logged in (my alais shows in the upper left hand panel of the screen, and I try to get to my personal site it says I'm not authorized. Then if I try to create a new personal site (after being prompted to) it again says I'm not authorized, yet I have a WinCustomize subscription, Object Desktop Network, Object Dock +, CursorXP +. Is there something I'm missing there as well???
Finally (I promise)>>>I read somewhere in this wealth of information that a "level 5" citizen was entitled to extra access or tools or something add'l...and StarDock has me as a 5, but here in WinCust I'm a least when I'm authorized to be a 4...that is!!!